
Porrata Consulting | Designer Drug Consultants

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Training Materials

Pre-made Custom Presentation Materials

All of Porrata’s training and workshop materials are available for purchase. If you are unable to book a workshop with Porrata herself, you are still able to purchase these informative and life-saving materials, which are easily updated to include local statistics and images for your area and also adjusted for the customized audience you wish to educate.

Click here to contact Trinka Porrata for any question you have about which materials best fit your needs.

To order by mail download and print this order form and sent it along with payment

**Postage/handling included in the pricing unless otherwise indicated

BOOK—“Drug ID & Symptoms Guide,” by Law Tech Publishing, now edited by Trinka Porrata and updated to include newest trends, including Ecstasy, GHB, ketamine, salvia divinorum, diphenhydramine,  etc.  Excellent handbook for patrol and narcotics officers, teachers and counselors, parents, medical professionals, etc.  Convenient size for field use (4 ¼” X 8 ½”).   Includes photos and symptoms of numerous drugs plus sections on paraphernalia, drug-facilitated sexual assault, and street slang glossary.

Discount for orders of more than 12. 

Contact Porrata for postage for 12 or more and
for pricing for very large orders which may increase the discount.

$22 each

BOOK—“G’d Up 24/7:  The GHB Addiction Guide” by Law Tech Publishing, edited by Trinka Porrata, includes chapters by Porrata plus several of the top GHB medical experts.  Also included are reprints of news articles about GHB addiction featured in the NY Times, LA Times, Huntsville Times, Dallas Observer, Dallas Star-Telegram, stories about some of those who have made it and some who didn’t and poetry and comments “in their own words” from GHB addicts, their friends and families.

This book is appropriate for medical personnel, law enforcement and criminal justice professional and counselors, as well as for addicts and their friends and families.

Click here to see the chapter outline

$33 each

Proceeds go to the nonprofit Project GHB.

BOOKLET—“WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING—The Truth About GHB” by Trinka Porrata, with original artwork by Clark John, graphically walks you through a GHB encounter, describing what you thought you experienced versus what your body experienced.  Designed for the user, potential user and potential victim of GHB.  Excellent for schools, counselors, sororities/fraternities and for your family members.

See online version



CD–Search Warrant Attachments —search warrant attachment wording for heroin, cocaine, meth, meth labs, marijuana, marijuana grows, PCP plus unique attachments for LSD, ketamine, GHB and analogs, flunitrazepam, steroids, MDMA

$4 each

Power Point Presentations CDs: 

 Teach your entire department how to recognize a wide variety of drugs and give state of the art public awareness training.  Use the “hide slide” feature in Power Point to block out slides that are not needed for specific audience presentations.  Notes on each of the slides provide the presenter with additional commentary to accompany the slides.  Permission is granted to adapt the presentation to your own needs.

(Permission is not granted to duplicate and distribute copies.)   Handout documents also included in Word and a Power Point version of my booklet,” While You Were Sleeping.”   Three PP CDs available:

THE CLUB & RAVE DRUGS.  Includes over 130 slides; lots of photos of ketamine, MDMA, GHB, LSD, mushrooms, nitrous oxide, salvia divinorum, dextramethorphan, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc., plus associated paraphernalia and symptoms.


DRUG-FACILITATED SEXUAL ASSAULT—The Drugs & How to Investigate These Unique Cases.   How to investigate these unique rapes, pretext phone calls, search warrants, etc.  Covers a wide range of drugs that can be utilized in sexual assaults.


THE CLUB & RAVE DRUGS/DRUG-FACILITATED SEXUAL ASSAULT—The Drugs & How to Investigate These Unique Cases. Combo

$125 for both

A Word to Our Students— A PP presentation for high school and college students.  Covers some general drug abuse issues, but focuses on current drugs of abuse (MDMA, GHB, ketamine, etc.), including steroids, with a few words about rape to both male and female, and even a little on over the counter supplements.  If you aren’t talking to today’s youth about these drugs, you may not be talking to them at all! Discount for multiple copies considered as we ask that you do not distribute copies of it.  Proceeds from Student PP go to nonprofit Project GHB.  $40 each


 DFSA & Student PP

$105 for set

Trio discount—Club Drugs & DFSA & Student PP  

$145 for all 3

TRAINING BACKPACK (limited availability)–Work with youth?  Teach about drugs? This is an excellent resource for anyone who does or a starting point for someone just plunging in. Your training resource consists of a backpack, loaded with training aids and materials on a variety of drugs, with emphasis on MDMA, GHB, ketamine and other trendy drugs of abuse.

Contains 3-ring binder of photos of many drugs (heroin, meth, cocaine as well as club drugs), items of paraphernalia associated with MDMA (Ecstasy) & GHB, Project GHB brochures & booklets.  Also included is the Power Point presentation “A Word to Our Students”  

$120 (only a few left)

For brochures and posters about GHB to accompany your training materials,
visit order page.

For brochures and posters related to drug-facilitated sexual assault, visit