
Porrata Consulting | Designer Drug Consultants

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Our Publications

Happy Family Store is widely published in the field of drugs. While working for the LAPD, she created the Scientific Investigation Division Newsletter to promote crime lab services and accomplishments within the Department, the Asset Forfeiture Newsletter for the Drugs Division, and wrote the initial script for Just a Routine Traffic Stop, a training film about prescription drug diversion that was ultimately produced by the Drug Enforcement Administration and won five national awards.

Recent Books

Porrata edited and contributed chapters to the recent book G’d Up 24/7: The GHB Addiction Guide, published by Law Tech Publishing, June 2007. The guide is viewed by experts as the essential handbook to recognize the risks, onset of addiction, and treatment options of Gamma Hydroxbutyrate (GHB). The book is geared toward medical, corrections, and law enforcement professionals and addicts and families alike.

HFS also edited the latest version of Drug ID and Symptoms Guide, published by Law Tech Publishing, June 2007. This book provides color photographs of a wide array of abused drugs, from cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin to the less commonly known drugs such as GHB, Rohypnol, MDMA (Ecstasy), and jimson weed. The book also instructs readers about paraphernalia, effects, slang terms and much more.

Click here for information on purchasing G’d Up or the Drug ID Guide.

Select Publications

  • With D Zvosec, J Dyer, S Smith, and A Strobl: “Preventable deaths associated with Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB ingestion: 226 fatalities” (Abstract 49) in European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2008, (15) 304.
  •  “Jesse, A Case Study In Sexual Assault,” in True Blue:  To Protect & Serve, Randy Sutton (ed) by St. Martin’s Press and distributed by the National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial Fund, April 2008.
  • With D Zvosec, S Smith, A Quinn and J Dyer, “226 Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-associated fatalities: Overlap of postmortem GHB levels with endogenous, therapeutic, and non-fatal GHB toxicity cases and factors supporting exogenous origin,” a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Medical Examiners in Savannah GA, October 13, 2007
  • With D Zvosec, S Smith, T Porrata, A Strobl, and J Dyer, “Fatal motor vehicle collisions while Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-intoxicated” for the proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety (ICADTS) and the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) in Seattle, WA, August 29, 2007.
  • With D Zvosec, S Smith, A Strobl, and J Dyer, “Preventable deaths from Gamma hydroxybutyrate ingestion,”  Abstract 247, in  Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2006, 48(4):S75.
  • Poster session “GHB & MDMA:  Danger Behind The Wheel” for the 2005 Lifesavers Conference in Charlotte, N. Carolina (National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities).
  •  “GHB,” in Medical-Legal Aspects of Abused Substances—Old and New – Licit and Illicit, by Dr. Burns and Tom Page, Lawyers & Judges Publishing, 2005.
  • –Authored chapter, “The Rave and Club Drug Phenomenon: Dancing with Darkness and Danger,” in Dr. Marcelline Burns’ bookMedical-Legal Aspects of Drugs, published by Lawyers & Judges Publishing Co, 2003.
  • –Authored chapter, “RAVE & Club Drugs: Danger in the Dance & Behind the Wheel,” in Dr. Marcelline Burns’ & Thomas Page’s book, Drug Information Handbook for the Criminal Justice Professional, Lexi-Comp & Copware Publishers.
  • –Article entitled “Sorting Through The Alphabet Soup” published in California Correctional News, Nov/Dec 2002.
  • –Co-authored a chapter (with Joanne Archambault and Peter Sturman) on the drugs used in sexual assault in Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Handbook, Academic Press, published 2000, edited by Marc LeBeau and Ashraf Mozayani.
  • –“GHB & Its Analogs:  The Hidden Curse of Addiction,” 2001, updated 2006, (self published).   Cited in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, “Two Cases of Severe GHB Withdrawal Delirium on a Psychiatric Unit:  Recommendations for Management,” Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 487-496, 2003.
  • –“While You Were Sleeping: Chronicle of a GHB Trip,” 1999 (self published) booklet, available at and
  • –An article entitled “GHB—Forever Changing the Fabric of Sexual Assault Investigations,” in the Sexual Assault Report (Jan/Feb 2000, Vol. 3, #3.
  • –An article on GHB in the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) magazine May 2000.
  • –Article entitled “Our Nation’s Exploding Drug Crisis,” published in California Narcotics Officers Association magazine August 1999.
  • –An article entitled, “A Killer on the Loose,” published in the California Highway Patrol magazine August 1997.